Sex: Male Date of Birth: 05/09/1964 Nationality: China Marriage State: married Language Skills: Chinese and English Affiliation: School of Mathematics and Statistics, Shandong University at Weihai. Address: 180 wenhua xilu,Weihai, P.R.China 264209 Postcode: 264209 Fax: 86-631-5688523 Email: zhangys@sdu.edu.cn, yusenzhang@126.com
Yusen Zhang received the PhD degree in computational mathematics from Dalian University of Technology, China, in 2003. He is a professor in School of mathematics and statistics from the Shandong University at Weihai, China. During 2004-2006, He was a postdoctoral fellow in Bioinformatics and Computer Applications at Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Science. His research is in the algorithms in computational biology, bioinformatics and statistical genetics.
Sep.2000-Jun.2003 Doctor of Computational Mathematics, DalianUniversity of Technology,China.
Sep.1986-Mar.1989 Master of Computational Mathematics, DalianUniversity of Technology,China.
Sep.1982-Jun.1986 School of Mathematics, Jilin Normal University,China.
Jan .2008- Professor of School of Mathematics and Statistics, Shandong University, China.
Sep. 2002-Dec. 2007 Associate professor of School of Mathematics and Statistics, Shandong University at Weihai, China.
Mar.2004-Mar.2006 Post doctorate of Bioinformatics and Computer Applications, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Science.
1. Research on identification algorithm of cancer-driving pathways based on multi-omics data, Natural Science Foundation of China,2019.01-2022.12.
2. Algorithm of tumor gene expression data analysis and application, Natural Science Foundation of China ,2012-2015.
3. Inversion representation of protein sequence and study on cancer related genes, Shandong Natural Science Foundation, 2010-2013.
4. Analysis of protein sequence and finding the characteristic genes in avian influenza virus genome, Shandong Natural Science Foundation, 2006-2009.
5. Research on application of mathematical method in RNA secondary structure, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 2005-2006.
6. Analysis and Implementation of mathematical model in MRI, Natural Science Foundation of Shandong University, 2004-2006.
7. Application of inversion techniques to basic hypergeometric series, Natural Science Foundation of Shandong University, 2002-2004.
8. Mathematical Mechanization Method of combinatorial inversion formulas and Applications, Natural Science Foundation of Shandong University, 2002-2003.
9. Research on identification algorithm of cancer-driving pathways based on multi-omics data (61877064), Natural Science Foundation of China 2019.01- 2022.12.
10. Study on Intelligent Sensor System for Marine Algae Growth Environment and Its Analytical Techniques (U1806202), NSFC-Shandong Joint Fund Project 2019.01- 2022.12.
Member of the Editorial Board:
MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry.
Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet (No.087698).
IJEI: International Journal of Engineering and Industries.
International Journal of Bioinformatics & Biological Systems (IJBBS).
Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS).
Current Updates in Bioinformatics.
Journal of Systems Biology
1. Technical Committee :2017 International Conference on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ICBRA 2017)
2. Program Committee Members: 2017 The 11th International Conference on Computational Systems Biology (ISB 2017)
3. Technical Committee 2018: 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ICBRA 2018)
4. Program Committee Members: 2018 The 12th International Conference on Computational Systems Biology (ISB 2018)
Reviewers of Journal:
Bioinformatics, Chemical Physics Letters, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, J. Biomol. Struc. Dynamics.
1. Meng Kong, Yusen Zhang, Da Xu, Wei Chen, Matthias Dehmer, FCTP-WSRC: Protein–Protein Interactions Prediction via Weighted Sparse Representation Based Classification,February 2020,Frontiers in Genetics 11:18.
2. Wu, Chuanyan; Gao, Rui; Zhang, Yusen and De Marinis, Yang ,PTPD: predicting therapeutic peptides by deep learning and word2vec December 2019,BMC Bioinformatics 20(1) (2019) 20:456.
3. Chuanyan Wu,Rui Gao,Yusen Zhang, mHMDA: Human Microbe-Disease Association Prediction By Matrix Completion and Multi-Source Information, July 2019, IEEE Access (99):1-1.
4. Matthias Dehmer, Zengqiang Chen, Yongtang Shi , Yusen Zhang, Shailesh Tripathi , Modjtaba Ghorbani, Abbe Mowshowitz, Frank Emmert-Streib, On efficient network similarity measures, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 362(2019), 124521 (IF=2.30).
5. Matthias dehmer; Zengqiang Chen; Frank Emmert-Streib; Abbe Mowshowitz; Yongtang Shi; Shailesh Tripathi; Yusen Zhang, Towards Detecting Structural Branching and Cyclicity in Graphs: A Polynomial-based Approach, Information Sciences, 471, January 2019, 19-28 (IF 4.832).
6. Li Ge, Jiaguo Liu, Yusen Zhang , Matthias Dehmer, Identifying Anticancer Peptides by Using a Generalized Chaos Game Representation, Journal of Mathematical Biology, January 2019, vol: 78 ,441-463 (SCI, IF=1.786).
7. Shenghui Liu; Chunrui Xu; Yusen Zhang; Jiaguo Liu; Bin Yu; Xiaoping Liu; Matthias Dehmer, Feature Selection of Gene Expression Data for Cancer Classification Using Double RBF-kernels, BMC Bioinformatics, 2018, 19:396.
8. M. Kong, Y. Zhang, W. Chen, APGC: Universal Protein Prediction Based on Compositional, Physico-Chemical and Structural Information, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 81 (2019) 193-207 (SCI, IF=2.58).
9. Matthias dehmer; Zengqiang Chen; Frank Emmert-Streib; Abbe Mowshowitz; Yongtang Shi; Shailesh Tripathi; Yusen Zhang, Towards Detecting Structural Branching and Cyclicity in Graphs: A Polynomial-based Approach, Information Sciences, 471( 2019), 19-28 (IF 4.832).
10. Li Ge, Jiaguo Liu, Yusen Zhang , Matthias Dehmer, Identifying Anticancer Peptides by Using a Generalized Chaos Game Representation, Journal of Mathematical Biology. (2019) 78: 441
11. Chuanyan Wu, Rui Gao, Daoliang Zhang, Shiyun Han, Yusen Zhang, PRWHMDA: Human Microbe-Disease Association Prediction by Random Walk on the Heterogeneous Network with PSO, Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2018; 14(8): 849-857. doi:10.7150/ijbs.24539 (IF 3.873)
12. Bin Yu, Shan Li, Wenying Qiu, Minghui Wang, Junwei Du, Yusen Zhang and Xing Chen, Prediction of subcellular location of apoptosis proteins by incorporating PsePSSM and DCCA coefficient based on LFDA dimensionality reduction, BMC Genomics (2018) 19:478
13. Lili Cui, Li Ge, Hongbin Gan, Xiaoping Liu, Yusen Zhang (2018) Ovarian Cancer Identification Based on Feature Weighting for High-Throughput Mass Spectrometry Data. Journal of Systems Biology - 1(1):1-11.
14. Chuanyan Wu, Rui Gao, Yang De Marinis, Yusen Zhang, A novel model for protein sequence similarity analysis based on spectral radius. Journal of Theoretical Biology 446 (2018) 61-70. June 2018
15. Chunrui Xu, Li Ge, Yusen Zhang, Matthias Dehmer, Ivan Gutman, Computational prediction of therapeutic peptides based on graph index, Journal of Biomedical Informatics 75(2017) 63-69.
16. Zheng-Wei Li , pengyong han , Xiao Li , Yusen Zhang , Haiquan Yu , Ru Nie , Xing Chen , In silico prediction of drug-target interaction networks based on drug chemical structure and protein sequences, Scientific Reports 7, 11174 (2017)
17. B Yu, L Lou, S Li, Y Zhang, W Qiu, Prediction of protein structural class for low-similarity sequences using Chou's pseudo amino acid composition and wavelet denoising, Journal of molecular graphics & modelling 76 (2017) 260–273 . July 2017.
18. L. Yu, Y. Zhang, I. Gutman, Y. Shi, and M. Dehmer, Protein Sequence Comparison Based on Physicochemical Properties and the Position-Feature Energy Matrix, Sci. Rep., vol. 7, p. 46237, Apr. 2017.
19. Lujing Yu, Yusen Zhang, Guiqian Jian, and Ivan Gutman, Classification for microarray data based on K-means clustering combined with modified single-to-noise-ratio based on graph energy, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 14, 598–606 (2017).
20. Chunrui Xu, Dandan Sun, Shenghui Liu, Yusen Zhang , Protein Sequence Analysis by Incorporating Modified Chaos Game and Physicochemical Properties into Chou's General Pseudo Amino Acid Composition, Journal of Theoretical Biology 406 (2016) 105–115.
21. Huihui Chen, Yusen Zhang, Ivan Gutman, A Kernel-Based Clustering Method for Gene Selection with Gene Expression Data, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Volume 62, August 2016, Pages 12–20, (SCI, IF=2.447)
22. Dandan Sun, Chunrui Xu, Yusen Zhang, A Novel Method of 2D Graphical Representation for Proteins and Its Application, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 75 (2016) 431-446.
23. Haiyan Wu, Yusen Zhang, Wei Chen, Zengchao Mu, Comparative analysis of protein primary sequences with graph energy, Physica A 437 (2015) 249–262
24. Jing Wu,Yusen Zhang, Zengchao Mu, Predicting Nucleosome Positioning Based on Geometrically Transformed Tsallis Entropy, PLoS ONE 9(11): e109395.
25. Yan Su, Yusen Zhang, Wei Chen, Ivan Gutman, Nucleosome Positioning Based on Information Content, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 72 (2014), 867-878.
26. Cangzhi Jia, Yusen Zhang, Zhiping Wang, SulfoTyrP: a high accuracy predictor of protein sulfotyrosine sites, MATCH Commun.Math. Comput. Chem. 71 (2014), 227-240
27. Zengchao Mu, Jing Wu, Yusen Zhang, A novel method for similarity/ dissimilarity analysis of protein sequences,Physica A, 392 (2013) 6361–6366.
28. Yan XR, Yang YH, Zheng XM, Cui JH, Xie X, Li LW, Chen FL, Hua JL, Zhang YS, Expression of FGF4 mRNA is mediated by mating behaviours in mice, Cell Biochemistry and Function, 2013 Aug; 31(6): 526-31
29. Shengli Zhang , Yusen Zhang , Ivan Gutman ,Analysis of DNA Sequences Based on the Fuzzy Integral. MATCH. 2013. 70(1): 417-430.
30. Yusen Zhang, Ivan Gutman, Jiaguo Liu, Zengchao Mu, q-Analog of Wiener Index, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 67 (2012), 347-356
31. Guiqian Jian, Yusen Zhang, Panpan Qian, Prediction of Subcellular Localization for Apoptosis Protein: Approached with a Novel Representation and Support Vector Machine, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 67 (2012), 867-878.
32. W. Chen, Y. Zhang, Comparative Analysis of RNA Molecules, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 67 (2012), 253-268.
33. Liangyun Ren, Yusen Zhang, Ivan Gutman , Predict the classification of transcription factors by incorporating their binding site properties into a novel mode of Chou’s pseudo amino acid composition, Protein & Peptide Letters, 19(2012), 1170-1176.
34. Zhiqian Zhang, Yusen Zhang, Ivan Gutman, Predicting Nucleosome Positions in Yeast: Using the Absolute Frequency, J Biomol Struct Dyn 29 (2012), 000- 000.
35. Panpan Qian, Yusen Zhang, Guiqian Jian, A novel representation of protein sequences and its application, Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 6(2011), 227-235.
36. Liu, yanqiu, Yusen Zhang, New Invariant of DNA Sequences Based on a New Matrix Representation, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 2011, 14, 61-71.
37. Yusen Zhang, Wei Chen, A New Measure for Similarity Searching in DNA Sequences, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 65 (2011), 477-488.
38. Yusen Zhang, Wei Chen, A Dissimilarity Measure Based on Free Energy of DNA Nearest-neighbor Interaction, J Biomol Struct Dyn 28 (2011), 557- 565.
39. Yusen Zhang, Xiangtian Yu, Analysis of Protein Sequence Similarity, The Fifth International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications (BIC-TA 2010), 1255-1258.
40. Yusen Zhang, Liangyun, Ren, Two Feature Selections for Analysis of Microarray Data, The Fifth International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications (BIC-TA 2010), 1259-1262.
41. Yusen Zhang, Wei Chen, Comparisons of RNA secondary structures based on LZ complexity, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 63 (2010), 513-528.
42. Liu, yanqiu, Zhang, Yusen, A New Method for Analyzing H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 47 (3) (2010), 1129-1144.
43. Huiling Wang, Yusen Zhang, A new approach to molecular phylogeny of H5N1 avian influenza viruses in Asia, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 110 (2010), 1964–1971.
44. W. Chen, Y. Zhang, Comparisons of DNA Sequences Based on Dinucleotide, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 61 (2009), 533-540. (Corresponding author)
45. W. Chen, Y. Zhang, Three Distances for Rapid Similarity Analysis of DNA Sequences, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 61 (2009), 781-788.r).
46. Yusen Zhang, A simple method to construct the similarity matrices of DNA sequences, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 60 (2008), 313-324.
47. Yusen Zhang, Mingshu Tan, Visualization of DNA sequences based on 3DD-Curves, J. Math. Chem. 44 (1) (2008), 206-216.
48. Yusen Zhang, Wei Chen, A new approach to molecular phylogeny of primate mitochondrial DNA, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 59(2008), 625-634.
49. Zhang Yusen, Wang Tianming, Some applications of gasper's bibasic summation formula,Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 38(2008)703-712.
50. Yusen Zhang, Wei Chen, New Invariant of DNA Sequences, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 58 (2007), 207-218.
51. Yusen Zhang, Wei Chen, Analysis of Similarity/Dissimilarity of Long DNA Sequences Based on Three 2DD-Curves, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 10 (2007), 231-237.
52. Yusen Zhang, On 2D Graphical Representation of RNA Secondary Structure, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 57 (2007), 697-710.
53. Yusen Zhang, On 3D Graphical Representation of RNA Secondary Structure, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 57 (2007), 157-168.
54. Zhang Yusen, Liao Bo, On the similarity of DNA sequences based on 3-D graphical representation, Journal of Biomathematics (Chinese), 22 (4) (2007), 583-590.
55. Yusen Zhang, Wei Chen, Invariants of DNA Sequences Based on 2DD-Curves, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 242 (2006), 382-388.
56. Yusen Zhang, Bo Liao,Kequan Ding,On 3DD-Curves of DNA Sequences,Molecular Simulation, 32(1)(2006), 29–34.
57. Zhang Yu-Sen,Chen Wei, Liao Bo,Gong Xin-Bo,A method for obtaining integrable couplings,Commun. Theor. Phys. , 45 (6) ( 2006). 1000-1002.
58. Bo Liao, Yusen Zhang, Kequan Ding, Tianming Wang, Analysis of similarity/ dissimilarity of DNA sequences based on a condensed curve representation, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 717(2005), 199-203.
59. Jiaquan Zhan, Bo Liao, Yusen Zhang, Numerical characterization of RNA secondary structure, Internet Electronic Conference of Molecular Design 2004, IECMD 2004, Nov. 23 - Dec. 6.
60. Yusen Zhang, Bo Liao, Kequan Ding,On 2D Graphical Representation of DNA Sequence of Nondegeneracy, Chemical Physics Letters,411 (2005) , 28-32.
61. Tan Mingshu, Zhang Yusen, A Note on the Bivariate and Trivariate Fibonacci Polynomials, The Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 32(2005), 975–990.
62. ZHANG Yusen, Kequan Ding, Another proof of C. Krattenthaler's matrix inverse, Journal of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,23 (2006) 577-580.
63. ZHANG Yu_feng, ZHANG Yusen, A type of multi-component integrable hierarchy, Chinese Physics, 13(8) (2004) 1183-1186.
64. ZHANG Yusen, Chen Wei, q-Triplicate Inverse Series Relations with Applications to q-series,Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 35 (4) (2005), 1407-1427.