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The school of mathematics and statistics has 58 full-time teachers, including 11 professors, 19 associate professors and 28 lecturers in which there are 9 doctoral supervisors and 34 master supervisors. The school currently has three undergraduate majors, namely pure mathematics and applied mathematics, information and computational sciences, and statistics. It also recruits doctor candidates and master students in four majors, namely basic mathematics, operational research and cybernetics, probability theory and mathematical statistics, and statistics. 

The school is committed to training mathematics talents with a clear sense of competition, strong responsibility and a nice personality. From 2013 to 2018, the school has finished 55 scientific research projects and published 164 papers by first or correspondence authors, of which 141 papers were retrieved by SCI/SSCI and 23 by CSSCI. Teachers have won 3 projects for school-level teaching reform and 1 project for the construction of excellent courses.