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Effect of nonlocal interaction or dispersal on the spatial-temporal pattern formation of reaction-diffusion systems

At 9:30 am on August 12, 2020, Professor Junping Shi of College of William & Mary of the United States gave an academic report entitled "Effect of nonlocal interaction or dispersal on the spatial-

temporal pattern formation of reaction-diffusion systems" at Tencent meeting. The report showed that the nonlocal spatial average could induce instability of constant steady state, which was different from classical Turing instability. In particular, for systems of two equations containing spatial averages, spatially non-homogeneous time-periodic orbits could occur through bifurcations from the constant steady state. Examples from a nonlocal predator-prey model and a pollen tube tip model were used to demonstrate such bifurcations. It was also showed that when a nonlocal dispersal occurs instead of classical diffusion, how the mechanism of Turing diffusion-induced instability and pattern formation changes. Example from activator-inhibitor with nonlocal dispersal and a marsh grass model was used to demonstrate pattern formation. More than 30 teachers and students listened to this academic report and had a heated discussions.