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bu yude 2017.01.01 Stellar Alpha Element Abundance Estimation Using LASSO Algorithm(基于LASSO算法的恒星α元素丰度估计方法研究) 光谱学与光谱分析 2017 0.34 SCI
hu qinqin 2017.02.02 Conditional sure independence screening by conditional marginal empirical likelihood. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 2017 1.04 SCI
jiang fangcui 2017.02.05 Static consensus of second-order multi-agent systems with impulsive algorithm and time-delays Neurocomputing 2017 3.31 SCI
li juan 2017.02.16 Weak solutions of mean-field stochastic differential equations Stochastic Analysis and Applications 2017 0.57 SCI
xie bing 2017.03.01 Non-real eigenvalues of symmetric Sturm–Liouville problems with indefinite weight functions Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 2017 0.92 SCI
sun qingfeng 2017.03.01 Shifted Convolution Sums of GL(3) Cusp Forms with theta-Series INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES 2017 0.92 SCI
zhang xu 2017.03.01 The Smale horseshoes in a class of non-invertible maps in R-3 with two-direction instability J. Difference Equ. Appl. 2017 0.76 SCI
xu huanying 2017.03.15 Creep constitutive models for viscoelastic materials based on fractional derivatives Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2017 1.53 SCI
yang fengkai 2017.03.17 A non-iterative posterior sampling algorithm for Laplace linear regression model Communication in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 2017 0.45 SCIE
zhang xu 2017.04.01 Dynamics of a class of fractional-order nonautonomous Lorenz-type systems Chaos 2017 2.28 SCI
sun weihua 2017.04.05 Fractal analysis and control in the predator-prey model International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2017 0.97 SCIE
yang fengkai 2017.04.10 A non-iterative Bayesian sampling algorithm for linear regression models with scale mixture of normal distributions Computational Economics 2017 1.05,1.05 SCIE,SSCI
liao baochao 2017.05.01 Application of Bayesian surplus production model and traditional surplus production model on stock assessment of the southern Atlantic albacore (Thunnus alalunga) Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences 2017 0.17 SCI
lu hong 2017.05.12 Fourier spectral approximation to the dynamical behavior of 3D fractional Ginzburg-Landau equation Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-A 2017 1.1 SCI
yang fengkai 2017.05.16 稳健学生t回归模型的非迭代贝叶斯抽样算法 统计与决策 2017 0 CSSCI来源期刊
li juan 2017.05.18 Zero-sum and nonzero-sum differential games without Isaacs condition ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 2017 1.54 SCI
zhang xu 2017.06.01 Dynamics of nonautonomous ordinary differential equations with quasi-periodic coefficients Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 2017 1.32 SCI
xu huanying 2017.07.01 Numerical analysis of the space fractional Navier–Stokes equations Applied Mathematics Letters 2017 2.23 SCI
zhang xu 2017.07.01 Constructing a chaotic system with any number of attractors Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 2017 1.32 SCI
zhang xu 2017.07.01 Constructing an autonomous system with infinitely many chaotic attractors Chaos 2017 2.28 SCI
xu huanying 2017.07.17 Fractional dual-phase-lag heat conduction model for laser pulse heating Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2017 2017 0 EI
sun wuyang 2017.08.08 Covering a cubic graph by 5 perfect matchings Discrete Mathematics 2017 0.63 SCI
yang fengkai 2017.08.30 稳健学生t回归模型变点估计的Gibbs抽样算法 统计与决策 2017 0 CSSCI来源期刊
chen mingtao 2017.09.01 On classical solutions to the Cauchy problem of the 2D compressible non-resistive MHD equations with vacuum states NONLINEARITY 2017 1.76 SCI
jiao yujiao 2017.09.01 Fourth power moment of coefficients of automorphic L-functions for GL(m) Forum Mathematicum 2017 0.75 SCI
wang xiaoqiang 2017.09.01 Convergence of Martingale and Moderate Deviations for a Branching Random Walk with a Random Environment in Time Journal of Theoretical Probability 2017 0.85 SCIE
zhang yongping 2017.09.05 Fractal dimension and synchronization of the controlled Julia sets of a Reaction-Diffusion system Asian Journal of Control 2017 1.42 SCIE
qi xingqin 2017.09.15 Eb&D: A new clustering approach for signed social networks based on both edge-betweenness centrality and density of subgraphs Physica A: Statistical Mechanics & Its Applications 2017 2.24 SCI
yang bin 2017.09.20 Stock Market Index Prediction Using Deep Neural Network Ensemble Proceedings of the 36th Chinese Control Conference 2017 0 EI
chen mingtao 2017.10.01 Global large solutions for a coupled compressible Navier–Stokes/Allen–Cahn system with initial vacuum Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 2017 1.65 SCI
sun qingfeng 2017.10.01 Shifted convolution sums involving theta series RAMANUJAN JOURNAL 2017 0.77 SCI
li jing 2017.10.04 Quasi-periodic solutions of a fractional nonlinear Schrödinger equation Journal of Mathematical Physics 2017 1.07 SCI
bu yude 2017.11.01 Searching for Hot Subdwarf Stars from the LAMOST Spectra. I. Method The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 2017 8.95 SCI
jiang fangcui 2017.11.03 Dynamic consensus of double-integrator multi-agent systems with aperiodic impulsive protocol and time-varying delays IET Control Theory & Applications 2017 2.53 SCI
yang fengkai 2017.11.06 A non-iterative posterior sampling algorithm for linear quantile regression model Communication in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 2017 0.45 SCI
jiang yujiao 2017.12.01 Exponential sums formed with the von Mangoldt function and Fourier coefficients of GL(m) automorphic forms Monatshefte fur Mathematik 2017 0.71 SCI
sun weihua 2017.12.15 Monotone normality in generalized topological spaces Acta Mathematica Hungarica 2017 0.58 SCIE
yang fengkai 2017.12.22 回归系数变点估计的快速非迭代抽样算法 统计与决策 2017 0 CSSCI来源期刊