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Our Summer Camp


The School of Mathematics and Statistics of Shandong University (Weihai) is committed to training mathematics talents with a clear sense of competition, strong responsibility and a nice personality. 

The school consists of four departments: the department of mathematics and applied mathematics, the department of information and computational sciences, the department of statistics and division of public mathematical education, and there are three institutes: the institute of mathematics, the institute of operational research and the institute of probability theory and mathematical statistics. 

The school currently has three undergraduate majors: mathematics and applied mathematics, information and computational sciences, and statistics, and four majors for graduate students: basic mathematics, operations research and cybernetics, probability and mathematical statistics, and statistics. 

The school has a high level of teaching and scientific research. There are 56 full-time teachers, including 12 professors, 20 associate professors, 7 doctoral supervisors and 32 master supervisors. The school has made remarkable achievements in teaching and scientific research. In the past five years, 29 state-level fund projects have been approved with funding of 8.71 million yuan; 38 Shandong-provincial-level fund projects with a funding of 2.96 million yuan;16 school-level projects with a funding of 2.3 million yuan. Nearly 300 papers have been included in SCI.

【Our Camp】

I. Schedule

Time: July 9, 2019-July 11, 2019 (check-in on the morning of July 9), including open ceremony, academic report, interact with teachers, and exam (divided into two parts contest and interview), sightseeing in the campus, etc.

II. Object

The full-time junior from 985 universities and 211 universities and other universities in China.

III. Application Qualification 

1, The full-time junior from 985 universities and 211 universities and other universities in China.

2. Have excellent academic performance, or outstanding performance in scientific research, other aspects.

3. Major in mathematics, statistics, economics, computer science, automation, public health or other majors with a good mathematical background.  

4. Have excellent results in professional courses, standing at the top 15% of their major.

5. Have a good English level.

IV. Materials  

1, Register in the enrollment system of Shandong University's summer camp——"2019 Summer Camp for National Outstanding College Students"

2, Take the following materials when you come here : 

1) One copy of the transcript and professional ranking certificate. 

2) One copy of award certificates.

3) Materials reflecting one's English level, such as CET-4 and CET-6, TOEFL scores, GRE/GMAT scores.

4) Other certificates, such as academic papers, award certificates, copies of other original work results, etc.

V. Application process 

Online application: The online application system for outstanding college students will open on May 10, 2019, and the summer camp application system will close on June 15. (If there is any change, please refer to the website notice) 

Registration website: 

Our master's programs include basic mathematics, operations research and cybernetics, probability theory and mathematical statistics, and statistics. 

VI. Admission Procedures 

The Summer Camp Organizing Committee organized a review team to evaluate the applicants' materials. On June 18, 2019, the college website will announce the admission list and notify the selected summer camp participants by mail. Admission of students should be confirmed before 12: 00 noon on June 20, 2019. And the vacancies will be replaced in turn from the waiting list. 

Ⅶ.  treatment 

The summer camp provides accommodation for the campers during the summer camp. This summer camp will be one of the ways for our college to recruit students from outside school in 2020. 

Viii. Attention 

1. If the materials are found to contain false elements, all the benefits obtained by the applicant shall be cancelled and the right to prosecute shall be reserved.

2. Students who attend the summer camp must obey the regulations of Shandong University (Weihai), participate in various activities according to arrangements. 

3. The campers are required to take part in summer camp activities after check-in.

4. The final interpretation right of this summer camp activity belongs to the school of Mathematics and Statistics.

IX. Consultation Methods 

Tel: Liu Laoshi 0631-5688956 
